£200 Amazon Gift Card (or £200 Cash Alternative)


See Ts & Cs for free postal entry route.
Please check your name and number in the entry list below after payment.

Closing Date: April 23, 2023 9:25 pm

Competition Stats


per Entry


Max. Entries


per Person

Total Winners: 1

Prize Details:
£200 Amazon gift card, or £200 cash if preferred.
How the Prize will be delivered:
After the winner is announced we will get in touch to arrange a suitable delivery date and time.
If preferred, we can pay funds directly to your bank account.
If the winner is local, we may hand deliver the prize.

Winners are

Winner NameTicket NumberDraw Date
Lynne Topp 103 23/04/2023


Ticket NumberDateName
12023-04-23 15:52:43Steven McConnach
52023-04-23 19:23:17Sinead MacInnes
82023-04-23 15:17:21Annemarie Simpson
102023-04-16 21:19:16Cathy Macmillan
112023-04-22 08:59:19MS H
122023-04-22 15:26:19Tracy Mulraine
142023-04-23 13:26:14Connie Denoon
152023-04-23 19:25:23Margaret Ross
162023-04-23 15:17:21Annemarie Simpson
172023-04-21 07:09:32Sheila Rapson
182023-04-23 20:56:24Aimee Ross
202023-04-23 21:23:56Michael Nicolson
212023-04-22 19:16:53Fiona Macleod
222023-04-16 21:19:16Cathy Macmillan
262023-04-23 14:21:44Dianne Sinclair
272023-04-22 18:52:51Nicole Ross
342023-04-23 20:20:12Andrew Graham
352023-04-23 13:32:17Caron Cowie
412023-04-23 19:23:17Sinead MacInnes
442023-04-23 19:23:17Sinead MacInnes
462023-04-23 15:19:37Shirley Park
482023-04-23 20:36:10Lynne Simpson
492023-04-17 12:57:29Emma Sutherland
502023-04-23 20:07:38Barry Mcdonald