£444 FOR £2.44


See Ts & Cs for free postal entry route.
Please check your name and number in the entry list below after payment.

Closing Date: January 28, 2024 9:25 pm

Competition Stats


per Entry


Max. Entries


per Person

Total Winners: 1

Competition Ends Sunday 28th January at 21:25pm

Prize Details:
£444 for £2.44
Please get in touch with us via FACEBOOK, EMAIL info@a9competitions.co.uk or TEXT MESSAGE on 07495964376 confirming your NAMECOMPETITION WONWINNING NUMBER and BANK DETAILS to allow us to process your payment.
How the Prize will be delivered:
After the winner is announced we will get in touch to arrange paying funds directly to your bank account. If the winner is local, we may hand deliver the prize.
Note: Players must be 18 or over.

Winners are

Winner NameTicket NumberDraw Date
Lindsay Morrison 117 28/01/2024


Ticket NumberDateName
12024-01-23 23:34:20Ryan M
22024-01-28 13:46:04John Robertson
32024-01-24 10:10:17Martin Brown
42024-01-27 12:01:34Chelsea Steven
62024-01-28 20:07:42Eileen Parkin
72024-01-28 20:09:47Charlotte H
82024-01-28 15:48:58Lisa K
92024-01-27 12:22:00Clair Campbell
102024-01-28 13:09:40Cathy Macmillan
122024-01-28 20:09:47Charlotte H
132024-01-28 08:08:00Tracie Gibson
142024-01-28 13:46:04John Robertson
172024-01-28 20:09:47Charlotte H
192024-01-28 21:11:14Wendy Mackay
202024-01-28 19:14:54Dawn Mackenzie
212024-01-28 19:49:30Sophie Mackay
222024-01-28 12:53:55Jeanne Nelson
232024-01-28 18:01:22Lisa Kuczyk
242024-01-28 20:09:47Charlotte H
252024-01-28 10:54:25Helen Melville
262024-01-28 18:06:09Catherine Simpson
272024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
282024-01-26 20:35:26Vivian Cunningham
322024-01-28 11:38:49Shirley Park
342024-01-28 12:53:55Jeanne Nelson
372024-01-28 17:53:22Margaret Finlayson
392024-01-28 20:09:54Helen Melville
402024-01-28 20:18:47Pauline Macdonald
412024-01-28 20:09:47Charlotte H
422024-01-26 17:27:50George Mowat
442024-01-28 15:48:58Lisa K
452024-01-26 17:27:50George Mowat
462024-01-28 18:05:06Sandra Macdonald
482024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
492024-01-28 15:49:57Hannah Campbell
502024-01-28 20:03:00Mary Marshall
512024-01-28 18:05:06Sandra Macdonald
522024-01-28 13:44:37R o b b I e S u t h e r l a n d
532024-01-28 13:46:04John Robertson
542024-01-28 20:53:12Lisa Pieraccini
552024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
562024-01-28 19:43:50Victoria Watt
572024-01-28 21:13:04Lisa K
582024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
592024-01-28 19:43:50Victoria Watt
612024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
622024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
632024-01-28 18:17:24Jill Ross
642024-01-28 13:44:37R o b b I e S u t h e r l a n d
652024-01-28 21:22:09B D
672024-01-28 20:09:47Charlotte H
682024-01-28 20:55:44Lynne Simpson
692024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
702024-01-28 15:48:58Lisa K
722024-01-27 16:01:06Pat Christie
732024-01-28 18:03:09Michelle Rubilar
752024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
772024-01-28 18:03:09Michelle Rubilar
792024-01-23 23:34:20Ryan M
802024-01-28 11:13:25Joan Calder
812024-01-28 15:42:50Rachael Sutherland
822024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
832024-01-28 18:46:21Sandra Williamson
842024-01-28 21:22:09B D
852024-01-27 20:07:04Iain AIKMAN
872024-01-28 19:09:21David Stoddart
882024-01-28 18:52:06Joanna Sawicka
892024-01-26 20:35:26Vivian Cunningham
902024-01-28 20:53:12Lisa Pieraccini
912024-01-28 18:18:53Melanie Colvin
922024-01-25 22:53:44Ryan M
932024-01-28 19:34:59Karen Fraser
942024-01-28 19:04:45Sandra Bain
952024-01-28 20:33:54Alexanderia Gray
972024-01-28 00:42:43Hazel Smith
982024-01-26 20:35:26Vivian Cunningham
992024-01-28 20:09:47Charlotte H
1002024-01-28 21:05:53Vivian Cunningham