
See Ts & Cs for free postal entry route.
Please check your name and number in the entry list below after payment.

Closing Date: September 24, 2023 9:25 pm

Competition Stats


per Entry


Max. Entries


per Person

Total Winners: 1

Competition Ends Sunday 24th September at 21:25pm

Prize Details:
£500 CASH Jackpot LOW ODDS – Only 150 tickets
How the Prize will be delivered:
After the winner is announced we will get in touch to arrange paying funds directly to your bank account. If the winner is local, we may hand deliver the prize.
Note: Players must be 18 or over.

Winners are

Winner NameTicket NumberDraw Date
John Robertson 18 24/09/2023


Ticket NumberDateName
22023-09-24 21:13:58Debra Greig
42023-09-24 11:59:43Stephanie Byers
52023-09-24 17:05:54Rhys Burgess
62023-09-23 14:29:45Shannen Wilson
72023-09-24 18:19:29Jackie Bremner
82023-09-23 11:04:01Victoria Watt
92023-09-24 16:55:26Max Warner-Tate
102023-09-17 22:19:23Cathy Macmillan
122023-09-22 10:24:43Ryan M
132023-09-24 15:12:34Valerie Houston
142023-09-23 14:29:45Shannen Wilson
162023-09-22 22:01:37Shannen Wilson
182023-09-24 15:14:41John Robertson
192023-09-24 17:05:54Rhys Burgess
212023-09-24 21:10:45Stuart Simmonds
222023-09-24 11:59:43Stephanie Byers
232023-09-23 14:29:45Shannen Wilson
242023-09-24 20:30:45Gill Richardson
262023-09-24 12:57:09Wendy Watson
272023-09-24 08:03:25Barry Mcdonald
302023-09-24 21:13:58Debra Greig
312023-09-24 18:30:42Lynne Simpson
322023-09-24 11:14:14Shirley Park
332023-09-17 23:00:12Jackie Bremner
342023-09-23 14:29:45Shannen Wilson
352023-09-24 18:01:09Audrey Inkster
362023-09-24 19:47:27Kevin Souter
382023-09-24 17:51:14Graeme Gunn
402023-09-19 14:04:04Natashia Sinclair
412023-09-24 13:09:22VICKY MACKAY
422023-09-18 22:13:45Shannen Wilson
432023-09-24 13:39:36Ellisa morrison
442023-09-19 17:24:51Jeanne Nelson
462023-09-24 11:14:14Shirley Park
472023-09-24 15:12:34Valerie Houston
482023-09-24 17:05:54Rhys Burgess
492023-09-24 11:14:14Shirley Park
502023-09-24 14:29:23Daniel Worthington
512023-09-24 17:05:54Rhys Burgess
552023-09-24 12:31:51Irene Ritchie
592023-09-23 14:29:45Shannen Wilson
612023-09-20 19:43:24Stevie Harvey
622023-09-20 19:43:24Stevie Harvey
632023-09-24 16:10:15Gemma McPhee
642023-09-23 14:29:45Shannen Wilson
652023-09-23 15:50:26Ailsa Johnston
662023-09-24 15:34:45William Corbett
672023-09-22 10:24:43Ryan M
692023-09-24 17:43:33Laura Pearce
702023-09-24 15:09:45Stacey Caird
712023-09-24 20:12:42James Green
732023-09-24 12:57:29Frances Wilson
752023-09-21 16:43:52Fiona Cannop
762023-09-19 14:04:04Natashia Sinclair
772023-09-24 12:57:09Wendy Watson
782023-09-21 10:34:46Jacqueline Ross
792023-09-19 14:04:04Natashia Sinclair
832023-09-22 22:01:37Shannen Wilson
852023-09-21 22:45:16Kaye Simpson
862023-09-24 14:51:23Fiona Macleod
872023-09-23 14:29:45Shannen Wilson
882023-09-24 21:09:29Connie Denoon
892023-09-24 12:57:09Wendy Watson
902023-09-24 10:28:16Katrina Gray
912023-09-24 17:43:33Laura Pearce
922023-09-21 12:32:12Victoria Watt
952023-09-22 21:22:15Darren Landles
962023-09-24 12:03:55Shannen Wilson
972023-09-23 11:15:14Victoria Watt
992023-09-24 12:02:21Natashia Sinclair